iR Shell 3.61
…overclock speed after exiting game/app while nethostfs is active. Fixed adhoc PC nethostfs connection problem. You no longer need to mess with the wlan switch. The MP3 will now resume…
…overclock speed after exiting game/app while nethostfs is active. Fixed adhoc PC nethostfs connection problem. You no longer need to mess with the wlan switch. The MP3 will now resume…
…boot will automatically load DevHook with whatever firmware you have emulated. Otherwise your PSP will boot normally to 1.50! Cool huh? Now, of course with flashing comes warning: DO NOT…
…항상 강조하지만 조심해서 작업하시길… [#M_원문보기..|원문닫기…| It seems the fix for the 480×272 AVC problem didn’t affect custom firmware 5.50GEN-D’s release at all. The new custom firmware from GENyUS is now…
Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D2가 공개되었습니다. [링크]설치전에 Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D 가 설치되어있어야 합니다.[관련글]수정사항 : Evangelion Anti CFW patch Fix non working nowFix Wlan TKIP in game loop : pes 2009 , fifa…
Dark-Alex[링크]Changes :– Speed selected for umd/iso was not properly locked in some new games that used scePower_EBD177D6 instead of scePowerSetClockFrequency to change speed.– UMD/ISO speed settings now apply to PSN…