iR Shell 이 업데이트 되었군요.
This is a maintenance release which mainly solves the following issues:역시 다운로드는 아래 원문 링크를 따라가시면 있습니다.Bug Fixes:
Special thanks:
- Fixed screen corruption while changing CPU speed in PS1 games.
- Retained the overclock speed after exiting game/app while nethostfs is active.
- Fixed adhoc PC nethostfs connection problem. You no longer need to mess with the wlan switch.
- The MP3 will now resume at the exact position when switching firmware versions (1.5 iR Shell to 3.x iR Shell, or vice versa).
- Fixed the nethostfs crashing when fails to connect to the server. Nethostfs should no longer crash the PSP.
- Fixed autoboot plugin problem with some configurations. The updated version should fix the issue.
Please note:
- Dark_AleX for his previous contributions & help in iR Shell development. We hope you enjoyed hacking the PSP. Happy retirement and we wish you best of luck for your future endeavors.
- Team M33 for continuing DA’s work and their help in fixing M33 firmware compatibility issues with iR Shell.
- All iR Shell private forum and unofficial forum members for their contributions, including donations, testing, skin making, plugins, etc.
A previous installation of iR Shell 3.6 is required for the update to work.Visit the unofficial iR Shell forums at for more skins and other goodies for iR Shell.
If you would like to show your appreciation then donate to AhMan via Paypal.
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원문 : iR Shell 3.61 update released
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