gpSP 0.9 Released
바뀐점은 다음과 같다고 합니다.
- Fixed stereo output being reversed.
- Fixed a bug causing misaligned errors on 8bit writes to the gbc audio channel 3 wave data (fixes various Super Robot Wars games)
- Fixed DMA with garbage in their upper 4 bits (fixes a crash in Zelda: Minish Cap)
- Added double buffering to the rendering, removes line artifacts.
- Big thanks to Brunni for the idea.
- Fixed a bug preventing some SRAM based games from saving (fixes MMBN4-6)
- Fixed a bug causing part of EWRAM to potentially get corrupted if code segments loaded in EWRAM cross 32KB boundaries (fixes Phantasy Star 2)
- Fixed a bug causing games using movs pc in user mode (very bad behavior) to crash. Fixes Colin McRae Rally 2.0.
- Improved timing a bit more. Fixes GTA Advance.
- Fixed a sprite clipping bug (fixes crash in third boss of Zelda: Minish cap)
- Increased translation buffer size significantly (fixes Donkey Kong: King of Swing)
- Fixed a dynarec bug causing add pc, reg to not work in Thumb code (fixes crash in DBZ:LoZ, seems to fix crashes in battle in Golden Sun, probably fixes other games)
- Made sprites using tiles < 512 not display in modes 3-5 (fixes a couple minor graphical bugs)
- Removed abort on instruction 0x00000000 hack, was breaking a certain bugged up game (Scurge)
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