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Devhook v0.46 Mod v1.61a

Devhook v0.46
Mod v1.61a

[#M_ReadMe 보기|닫기|
– Added 12×12 character font in GB encoding format
– Added sample macro file “name.eng” for vshexmod with more than 350 game id and game name in English. You can change the name to whatever text you like, just make sure rename ISO/CSO file begin with game id and select correct font in vshexmod. Please rename “macro.sample” in “ms0:/dh” to “macro.txt” to activate macro function.
– Updated “mini-faq.txt” with information about CSO cache system
– updated Italian language file by hispanico
– Updated Spanish language file by Charlie52
– updated French language file by sanaell
– Updated French language file by Guilouz
– Updated Chinese language file_M#]
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