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DevHook v0.46 Mod 1.62a Released

DevHook v0.46 Mod 1.62a Released

[#M_Version 1.62a ReadMe 열기|ReadMe 닫기|

DevHook Launcher Mod v1.62a For PSP
By Chunglam <[email protected]>

Version 1.62a
– Integrated Homebrew Enabler C for Devhook by Dark_AleX
– Added Japanese language file
– Updated all language files to fix errors on Flash Rom menu text, please re-select language to load the correct menu.
– Integrated SVCapture by ADePSP, you need to edit “ms0:/dh/kd/capture.ini” to change capture keys.

Vshexmod v1.20
– Improved the increamental “Copy to MS” function

* Font16x16.GB was removed from package since it is not useful

Hi All,

Here is another DEVHOOK launcher mod:

– Based on the TheBuzzer’s mod.
– Integrated 0.46 launcher Flash Rom feature (change confirmation button to START).
– Multiple Autorun settings: 1,3,5 seconds and autoboot (Triangle to cancel) – idea from Riedje’s mod.
– New screenshotbmp.prx from TheBuzzer
– Cross or Circle to comfirm, Triangle to cancel.
– Show Page x of y for the ISO selection, 12 items per page.
– UMD version moved to other menu
– DEVHOOK 0.46 prx included



RevC에 관한 포스트
DevHook이 1.5를 완전 정복했다고 생각하는지 2.71로 손을 뻗고 있다.
Mod 1.62a는 2.71에서도 구동가능하게 해준다고 한다.[각주]이 부분은 확인할 수 없는 상황이다.[/각주] 그리고 스크린샷 모드에 gif 애니메이션을 만들어주는 모드가 포함되었다.
그리고 설치 후에 언어를 다시 결정해줘야 한다. (언어팩이 전면 수정되었다고…)

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광고로 발생한 수익금은 서버 유지 관리에 사용되고 있습니다.

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